Introduction to Blockchain development: Web3

Day 1

I will be starting a blockchain(web3) development series here. I will consistently guide you through blockchain development. Stay tune.


To get started building apps in Web3, we need some background knowledge of Web2. There are a lot of topics that are certainly covered within web2 that are highly useful in Web3. I would say that Web3 is an extension of Web2 when it comes to the technology being used.

For example, if you make a smart contract, you still need to provide your users with a way to interact with that smart contract. You can do this by building a website or application that allows the user to interface with the smart contract easily.

Additionally, you may also want to store some user data or other data outside the smart contract. These concepts are the same as Web2, the only thing that changes is that we will be using and interfacing with a smart contract in the background.

Frontend Technologies

The front end is the part of a software application that users interact with directly. On the web, the front end is the website that users can browse. Mobile apps and desktop apps are also examples of front-end interfaces.

In this course, we will focus on the web front. We will use web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop front-end interfaces. React knowledge is not required for the Freshman Track, but it would be useful as you progress further.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the language used to create web pages. HTML tags are used to define the structure of a web page, such as the headings, paragraphs, and images.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is used to style web pages. CSS can be used to change the font, colour, and layout of a web page.


JavaScript is a programming language that can be used to add interactivity to web pages. JavaScript can be used to create animations, games, and other interactive elements.


React is a JavaScript framework that is used to build user interfaces. React is a popular framework for building large and complex web applications.

Backend Technologies

The backend is part of a software application that is responsible for processing data and responding to user requests. It is not visible to the user, but the application needs to function properly.

The backend typically handles tasks such as:

  • Storing data

  • Retrieving data

  • Processing data

  • Generating reports

  • Sending emails

  • Executing transactions

The backend is typically written in a programming language such as Python, Java, JavaScript, Go, or Rust.

On the web, the front end of a website sends requests to the backend server over the internet using the HTTP protocol. The backend server then processes the request and sends a response back to the front end.

In this course, we will be developing our backends in JavaScript. This will allow us to reuse code and share knowledge between the front end and back end.

Here are some of the benefits of using JavaScript for backend development:

  • JavaScript is a popular language that is widely used in the web development community.

  • JavaScript is a versatile language that can be used for a variety of tasks.

  • JavaScript is a fast language that can be used to create high-performance applications.

  • JavaScript is a secure language that can be used to protect sensitive data.

Here are some of the challenges of using JavaScript for backend development:

  • JavaScript is not as well-suited for some tasks as other languages, such as Java or Python.

  • JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which can make it more difficult to debug code.

  • JavaScript is a single-threaded language, which can limit the performance of some applications.


  • Web3 is an extension of Web2 that uses blockchain technology to decentralize the internet and give users more control over their data.

  • To build Web3 applications, developers need to understand the technologies that are used in Web2, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • The backend of a Web3 application is responsible for processing data and responding to user requests. It is typically written in a programming language such as Python, Java, JavaScript, Go, or Rust.

  • JavaScript is a popular language that is used for both frontend and backend development in Web3. It is versatile, fast, and secure, but it can be challenging to debug and is not as well-suited for some tasks as other languages.

Here are some of the benefits of using blockchain technology for development:

  • Security: Blockchain is a secure technology that can help to protect data from unauthorized access.

  • Transparency: Blockchain is a transparent technology that allows users to verify the authenticity of data.

  • Efficiency: Blockchain can help to improve the efficiency of transactions by reducing the need for third parties.

  • Scalability: Blockchain is a scalable technology that can be used to support a large number of transactions.

Here are some of the challenges of using blockchain technology for development:

  • Complexity: Blockchain is a complex technology that can be difficult to understand and implement.

  • Regulation: The regulatory landscape for blockchain is still evolving, which can make it difficult for businesses to adopt the technology.

  • Usability: Blockchain can be difficult to use for users who are not familiar with the technology.

Overall, blockchain is a powerful technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we develop and use applications. However, some challenges need to be addressed before blockchain can be widely adopted.